Monday, October 28, 2013

Vortex by Julie Cross Review

"Julie Cross's Vortex is the thrilling second installment of the Tempest series, in which the world hangs in the balance as a lovelorn Jackson must choose who to save
Jackson Meyer has thrown himself into his role as an agent for Tempest, the shadowy division of the CIA that handles all time-travel-related threats. Despite his heartbreak at losing the love of his life, Jackson has proved himself to be an excellent agent. However, after an accidental run in with Holly—the girl he altered history to save—Jackson is once again reminded of what he's lost. And when Eyewall, an opposing division of the CIA, emerges, Jackson and his fellow agents not only find themselves under attack, but Jackson begins to discover that the world around him has changed and someone knows about his erased relationship with Holly, putting both their lives at risk all over again."

I had pleasant memories of Tempest, the previous novel. I remember reading to about page one hundred and something, before putting it down for about five months because I didn't had my library card (Yeah, I check out books from the library and they are pretty hot ;D). Yes, I have a memory of an elephant. No, I do not have photographic memory, but you can consider me pretty close depending on how interested I am in the subject. 

Anyway, after reading the lovely book, Risked by Ms. Haddix, I decided to take a little trip into the genre of time traveling. I wanted more, especially being slightly disappointed by Risked's performance. Now I end up here, reading Vortex by Julie Cross. I didn't write a review for the first book of the series, but I can tell you this: I was pretty neutral about the book. I neither hated it or loved it. 

After reading Vortex, I have a bit more feelings towards it. And it's not good because it's leaning toward the negative side of the notch. Why?

Now that's an excellent question. Why? A brilliant question that lead scientists to conclusions and unfortunately, science classes like Biology and Chemistry. It's what got Mr. Bacon to create the Scientific Method. At least, I think it was Mr. Bacon. Well, I believe you go the point. Questions leads to explanation, which leads to more questions. But why am I talking about this? Because I love talking about how much I remember science crap. Yes, I said. I love telling the world how nerdy I truly am. Then again, you guys are nerds too because you read. Right? 

Vortex is annoying (yep, I'm definitely overusing that word) because of Time Traveling. Julie Cross went overboard with time traveling. It's quite difficult telling the difference from 2007 Holly, 2007 Jackson's Dad, 1946 Jackson's Dad, Jackson's Three Year Old Self, Courtney's Old Self, Courtney's New Self, and all those alternate personalities. Apparently, there's also two timelines which is the equivalent of two parallel universe as how you nerds would say. And can it get anymore confusing? Yes, yes, it can. Then there's genetics going in too with the book, so Vortex just had a computer crash that overwhelmed itself so much. I have no idea what was going on in the book. These little dates in the left-hand side of the corner of each page may be a tiny bit helpful, but it's not good enough. Jackson may not jump a lot, but he does it way too much towards the end of Vortex.  

The writing of Vortex is unfortunately addicting, with a hint of suspense. Let's not talk about the crazy plot/timeline. There's too many jumps back into time. 

Oh, should I mention good old gf Holly? Yeah, she's working for Eyewall, the enemy of CIA and Jackson Meyer. Go figure, Jackson's in an alternate world, affected by time traveling. And she's a freaking Eyewall agent. Every time she says something like "Call me Agent...", I roll my eyes. This girl really wants to be James Bond II. And Jackson? What about him? He's screwing up the entire series, like many main characters

Rating: Two out of Five

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