Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Recruit by Robert Muchamore Review

"CHERUB spies, 17 and under, hack into computers, bug houses, download crucial documents, and Do Not Exist. James, recently orphaned, is their newest recruit, and brilliant in math. After 100 days grueling training, his mission begins." 

Wow, The Recruit is...interesting. The first thing I noticed about it is how screenplay-ish it looks. I mean that everything is like a perfect screenplay. Directors can make a straight movie out of this without hiring a screenwriter! 

I'm pretty sure that after 100 days, James can not possibly become as strong as the book suggest. Three months isn't exactly a reasonable amount of time to become fit. I say there's a good error in logic for this book. 

There's really no words I can use singularly to describe this book. The Recruit is truly a mixture of feelings, a mixture of words and thoughts. There is no simple way of describing The Recruit. I could say that The Recruit is similar to Alex Rider, yet also different. A hefty explanation will soon follow. I can say The Recruit is like James Bond. Another long and boring explanation will quickly follow. 

Needless to say, The Recruit is an espionage novel that targets teens and James Bond wannabes. (Oh, I'm not a wannabe. I can't be James Bond; I'm a girl.) 

The characters in The Recruit are eh... I don't really care about them (Great, I'm going to screw up this review). Some of them are wonderfully amazing, but others are so minor that I could barely pay attention to them. All characters are difficult to remember. They have such plain names that I can't remember their names. I remember a few memorable ones, like James' partner named Terry or something like that, who is a young girl who can defend herself from a young age. She's a young Nikita.

The writing of The Recruit is bland and dull. I can't help but occasionally zone out because of how annoying the font is (not the author's fault) and how boring the words are (that's the author's fault). I hate how most of the book is about James' training at Cherub; it's only about half-way when things get a little bit more interesting. 

The last words/epilogue of The Recruit is in the similar style of the Septimus Heap series. Remember the hilarious epilogues of all the characters at the end? Well, there's a similar one in the back of the book, without the humor. (It's a tad disappointing. But Robert Muchamore is not Angie Sage.) 

Rating: Two out of Five

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