Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Cinderella by Jenni James Review

"A girl with a secret and a prince on a mission

When Prince Anthony spies Eleanoria Woodston outside her family home dressed as a servant, he knows something is amiss. Pretending to be John, his cousin’s outrider, he decides to take matters into his own hands and figure out why Ella hasn't been seen at court. And more importantly why the daughter of one of the wealthiest families in the kingdom dresses like a pauper.

Ella has had her own bout of trials, including losing her beloved father and facing the wrath and jealousy of her stepmother and stepsisters. Becoming a servant doesn’t seem all that bad until the handsome John comes into her life, now he appears to be upsetting everything. Never before has she been so unsettled. Just his presence is making her dream of a life beyond this one.

When John invites Ella to the ball and she grudgingly accepts, he wonders if he’s truly losing his mind. How would he ever pull off pretending to be John while obviously hosting the ball as Anthony? Especially when the stubborn girl has made it quite obvious she would never attend a ball with a snobbish prince."

Wow! I love this retelling of Cinderella better than any other. (Except for Cinder (Cinder #1) by Marissa Meyer) (Read that book if you don't know what I'm talking about). Cinderella (and Cinder) are absolutely delightful. Cinderella is recommended to readers who are at least eleven years old.

The plot isn't twisty or anything, but everything is pretty well written and fitted together. Every word flows and nothing is too wrong or anything. I like the conflict of the story, but it isn't too big of a deal, especially because I know what will happen in the end. We always do know what happens in fairy tale retellings. Usually.

The ending is so "Happily Ever After." It's a nice change after reading bloody endings and cliffhangers. I'm so sick of them and authors who love, just love, to torture readers like you and me. There should be a law that states "All books must and always not have cliffhangers or loose endings."

I like how the author uses switching POVs to tell the Cinderella story. From the hilarious Prince to the 'stubborn' girl, we see the world of Cinderella. I wish, simply wish, for a POV from one of the stepsisters. Or maybe not. I wouldn't want to listen to the rantings and selfish thoughts of the evil stepsister. 


Eleanoria Woodston, or what we and the prince call her, Ella, is a wonderful character. She's a little too ignorant and thick for my liking, but is still above the range of my hatred. The only reason I like is because this girl has guts to stand up. After all that abuse, insults, she rises against her bullies (stepmother and stepsister). Which is what every bullied kid or person should do.

Prince Anthony is so dashing. I can't help but fall in love in his character and sweet charming words. His little reactions to the hilarious pushings and tauntings of his mother are funny and innocent. He likes Eleanoria, but won't admit it to his mother, no matter what his mother says or do. (We have to love the mother). 

Rating: Three out of Five

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