Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Love Irresistibly by Julie James Review

I won a copy from Goodreads First Reads.


A former football star and one of Chicago’s top prosecutors, Assistant U.S. Attorney Cade Morgan will do anything to nail a corrupt state senator, which means he needs Brooke Parker’s help. As general counsel for a restaurant company, she can get a bug to the senator’s table at one of her five-star restaurants so the FBI can eavesdrop on him. All Cade has to do is convince Brooke to cooperate—and he’s not afraid to use a little charm, or the power of his office, to do just that.


A savvy businesswoman, Brooke knows she needs to play ball with the U.S. Attorney’s office—even if it means working with Cade. No doubt there’s a sizzling attraction beneath all their sarcastic quips, but Brooke is determined to keep things casual. Cade agrees—until a surprising turn of events throws his life into turmoil, and he realizes that he wants more than just a good time from the one woman with whom he could fall terrifyingly, irresistibly in love . . ."

Warning! Warning! This book is most definitely not recommended to anyone under fourteen years old and anyone immature (my mother would probably recommend it to any girl of teenage years, because she thinks learning about romance and love is a good thing). This book contains some X-Rated scenes and is inappropriate to any immature guys. There is a reason why this book is under fiction and specifically, Woman's Fiction. It all about Love and War, guys...and girls.

Love Irresistibly (standalone book) is a chemistry-filled romance book, which stars two main character. There is Cade Morgan with daddy issues. Then there is Brooke Parker with only issues of her career. She has a better mental health than Cade, obviously. Okay, that is probably a little too rude, right? Let me break those two lovebirds down.

Cade Morgan is a prosecutor, who was once a QB of a college football team before a shoulder injury took him out of the game for good. Needless to say, he hates his father with a passion. His father was never his father. He saw him once and watched him (rather, witnessed him) breaking his one promise to his only son (at that time). So you can say that he is sort of a sour egg with a bit of father issues. It changes a lot when he meets his teenage half-brother, Zach (whose father is a much better man and also the man who fathered Cade).

Brooke Parker is Brooke Parker. She is like any other woman. Except for the fact that she is a single businesswoman in a previously dominated male field. Still, it proves she has more gut than most people. Not to mention smarts. The first meeting with Cade Morgan was undeniably humorous to most readers. Gosh, I wish I can quote it, but I don't have the copy of Love Irresistibly with me.

The humor in Love Irresistibly is most definitely entertaining. Other than that big chemistry thing (some people are probably not going to be interested in it, but that isn't likely), there is a lot of humor written in. Like I said before, the first meeting between Brooke Parker and Cade Morgan was...flying sparks (though, in both a good and bad way). Then there were some other small roles like Agent Pallas (or whatever his name is) threatening to kill anyone who merely touches (or harms) his pregnant wife. The small talk about Agent Pallas' status between Morgan and another agent was undeniably hilarious. Like what the other agent said, seriousness is "toast." There is something called humor in this book.

The chemistry between Brooke and Cade was strong. You can practically feel it off of their words and body language. But that isn't the main reason I started this paragraph. I notice some similarities between this and the tv show Suits. To change Suits into this book, you similar have to change all the ugly characters (Louis Litt...who is the only ugly character in Suits) into supermodels. Add the FBI and change Pearson Spector (or whatever they are calling themselves these days) into the US Attorney's Office. Then you have to put them all into a relationship except for one and of course, the enemies. You can't put the enemies into the new Suits unless they are ugly. There you have it! That is the new Suits, which looks stunningly similar to Love Irresistibly. I'm not calling anyone a copycat! I'm just pointing out how easy it is to change Suits into Love Irresistibly.

Rating: Three out of Five (Frowning on X-rated scenes plus other things)

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