Friday, May 30, 2014

City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare Review


I am coming.

Darkness returns to the Shadowhunter world. As their society falls apart around them, Clary, Jace, Simon and their friends must band together to fight the greatest evil the Nephilim have ever faced: Clary’s own brother. Nothing in the world can defeat him — must they journey to another world to find the chance?"

Well, one thing that is truth about City of Heavenly Fire is the fact that it is long. Just how long? Seven hundred freaking pages. Let me repeat that. Seven hundred freaking pages. How many paper cuts can you get with that? A lot. How many paper cuts did I get? None, although I did have a bandage because I touched broken porcelain (long story). I'm quite surprised I didn't get a paper cut from the pages and the flipping.

Let's keep going.

City of Heavenly Fire does not refer to a city of heavenly fire. I'm sorry. I just had to say that. (This is the first book of Clare's I'm actually reviewing). Still, I think it is great. It may not do a quick summary over of the previous books, but it works. Plus, we get to see Tessa and Jem. Poor Jem isn't using his old name anymore. Such a shame. Still, there is some points in seeing those two. I don't think that counts as spoiler, right? Well, I will tell you a small spoiler. Jem steals Church from the New York Institute. So yes, Brother Jem does steal the cat.

Let me start with the storyline. It is Sebastian vs. everyone else, right? Well, the beginning of City of Heavenly Fire shows how powerful and scary he is. Plus, it introduces us to Emma and Julian, who will the the main character of the next series. Gosh, there is so much going on right? Series, after series, after series. Clockwork, Mortal Instruments, Dark something. How many Shadowhunters are left now? Twenty? After so much blood and war, there seems to be so few of them left.

But it is awesome. Who doesn't like bloodshed? Oh, wait. Don't answer that. I don't need an answer. 

City of Heavenly Fire touches on several issues and topics like homosexuality, and... Well, I can't recall anymore. My brain is fired (electronical-wise). Anyway, it is all good. Ugh, I hate the fact I can't reveal any spoilers.

You know, I'm actually quite happy to finish the last of the Mortal Instruments. Do you know why? Because now we can finally move on to the next series. That's why. Yeah, I'm so cruel and rude. Whatever. I honestly think this series should had ended at number three.

The ending and the sassiness is all gold. Jace, Jace especially, is the Queen of Sass. I'm sorry. He can't be a king. A king is only a pawn that can move backwards. Sorry, chess terms. Anyway, the ending stars Simon and Simon completely. This time it isn't Clary and Jace's relationship at stake. It is Alec/Magnus (for a while) and Isabelle and Simon's relationship. His sacrifice at the end is undeniably sweet. His fate is even better. Of course, I won't say any more because of spoilers. Okay, I'll indulge. Simon will become a Shadowhunter.

Rating: Four out of Five

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