Saturday, May 23, 2015

Fire Fall by Bethany Frenette Review

"In the exciting conclusion to the Dark Star trilogy, Audrey Whitticomb is faced with a tough decision: save her people from the demons known as Harrowers, or save her best friend from certain death?

Audrey Whitticomb wants to be a Guardian like her superhero mom, Morning Star, and her superhot boyfriend, Leon. But at seventeen, Audrey still hasn't been called--unlike reluctant Tink, who'd rather not deal with all those scaly-skinned, red-eyed demons.

The truth: Audrey can no longer fight her fate. She has a different role to play.

The Beneath is waking. Demons are rising. Friends are falling. And the future is waiting. Will Audrey stop the Harrowing in time to save the Kin? Or will she save her best friend, Gideon, from certain death? Can Audrey find the power and the courage to act before it's too late?"

Fire Fall is the last installment to the Dark Star trilogy. Now, I'm greatly disappointed that this book is only in ebook format. Because I prefer to read this book hardcopy. The previous two novels are in hardcover, and they have very pretty covers. Anyway, I'm so excited to read the conclusion to Audrey Whitticomb's story. There is definitely something dramatic going on, and from the beginning, I'm sucked into the story.

The world building is good. The author (and the book) easily reminds me of what Audrey's world is like. Harrowers are powerful demons, and the Kin fights them to protect the innocent (but at what cost?). Audrey's mother is a superhero who wears a hoodie with a star on her back. Oh, and she also fights demons (she is Kin). Leon can teleport, and he is a great guardian/boyfriend. Audrey has her amplification powers, and she can see some parts of her creepy and dark future. She also has an insane cousin. Did I miss anything?

I have to say that is a pretty decent recap.

Audrey is still fighting Harrowers. She is kicking butts, and she isn't one to lay down and let people stomp all over her. As usual, she remains the best. There isn't a lot of emotional moments, though I do like the dialogue she shares with Leon. There is a lot of drama there, and I most certainly love their interactions. Anyway, Audrey unfortunately doesn't have as much character development as the previous books, but she does have her great moments. 

Leon is the awesome boyfriend. Audrey and Leon are definitely in the relationship state of "I don't know if this is going to work out or not." Bethany Frenette can easily pull off those parts and make it seem like there is (emotional) danger for the golden couple. 

The ending is very, very satisfying. Although there is some death, somehow there is a lot of hope. A lot of hope. I think most readers will like the ending. Yes, it is a mostly "Happily Ever After." There are some sad parts, but I think it is worth reading Fire Fall (and this trilogy). 

Overall, Fire Fall is an amazing ending to the Dark Star trilogy. It brings a lot of drama and tension while managing to keep its somewhat upbeat attitude. Audrey is amazing, and Leon is even more awesome. The moments of "is this right or wrong?" is perhaps one of the best parts of the book. The trilogy, in conclusion, is worth a read.

Rating: Four out of Five

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