Monday, February 9, 2015

We Can Work It Out by Elizabeth Eulberg Review

I won a copy from Goodreads First Reads.

"When Penny Lane started The Lonely Hearts Club, the goal was simple: to show that girls didn’t need to define themselves by how guys look at them, and didn’t have to value boyfriends over everything else. Penny thought she’d be an outcast for life…but then the club became far more popular than she ever imagined it would be.

But what happens when the girl who never thought she’d date a good guy suddenly finds herself dating a great one? She doesn’t need a boyfriend… but she wants it to work out with this particular boyfriend. And he wants it to work out with her.

Only, things keep getting in the way. Feelings keep getting hurt. Words keep getting misunderstood.

Penny Lane worked hard to declare her independence. Now she needs to figure out what to do with it — and how to balance what she wants with what everyone else wants. In We Can Work It Out, Elizabeth Eulberg returns to the world of her first novel, The Lonely Hearts Club, and gets to the heart of how hard relationships can be… and why they are sometimes worth all the drama and comedy they create."
Alright. So this is the sequel to The Lonely Hearts Club. And I was practically gushing in my review of that book. So let's see how We Can Work It Out faired. Because this is going to be awesome. Again. (And yes, I love you, Elizabeth Eulberg. Can I like stay over your house and read your drafts? I might have to borrow your kitchen... Okay, this is not going to work, and I can tell that even if we try to work it out, it won't). 

Anyway, Penny Lane is back. She is now having a relationship with Ryan, that very awesome guy. And yes, it does get crazy in this book. (Plus, the Lonely Hearts Club goes international, and I do mean the club, not the book). So Penny is always busy. What happens? Well, the answer is this: lots of drama. She has to balance Ryan and the Lonely Hearts Club. It gets crazy, and sometimes, she wonders if she can only have one of them. (Obviously, having both of them seemed to be a little good to be true, especially for Penny Lane, who always seem to have drama right at her fingertips).

And even better? It gets really hilarious. 

The plot goes insane. The book may be short, but it is full of good and bad things. And I really love the ride from the beginning to the end. And the ending is a bit of a stretch (going a bit long like Eulberg doesn't want to let it go, or at least, not yet), but it is really good, in conclusion. 

At the heart of the book, We Can Work It Out loves relationship. There is trust. There is balance. There is a lot of things involved, yet it always remains faithful to the series' message in the end. Breaking character. Finding who you are. Letting yourself love the Real You. And yes, it might sound a bit redundant, but I totally loved it.

It gets cheesy at some parts of plot, but I can ignore that. 

The Beatles references are killing me. I just love Penny Lane's parents. They are all... fans of Beatles. Very, very, very big fans of the Beatles. I can't help but crack up at those moments, and yes, I have to mention them. (Did I mention that I love the Beatles, too? Maybe not). 

Overall, We Can Work It Out is a strong conclusion (or at least, for now) to this duet (assuming it is going to be a duet). 

Rating: Five out of Five

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