Friday, November 1, 2013

Soulbound by Heather Brewer Review

"Tril is a world where Barrons and Healers are Bound to each other: Barrons fight and Healers cure their Barrons' wounds in the ongoing war with the evil Graplar King. Seventeen-year-old Kaya was born a Healer, but she wants to fight. In Tril, and at Shadow Academy, where she is sent to learn to heal, it is against Protocol for Healers to fight. So Kaya must learn in secret. Enter two young men: One charming, rule-following Barron who becomes Bound to Kaya and whose life she must protect at all costs. And one with a mysterious past who seems bent on making Kaya's life as difficult as possible. Kaya asks both to train her, but only one will, and the consequences will change their lives forever."

There's five words I really want to say. This. Book. Is. So. Awesome. Six words: I am Soulbound (pun, intended) to this book.

Okay, Heather Brewer is the author well known for the Vlad Todd books, like Ninth Grade Something and Tenth Grade Something. Needless to say, I don't remember the title, but remember that the Ninth Grade Something has a mention of blood somewhere in that title. It's been two years, twenty or more essays written, ten or more short stories written, hundreds of sleepless nights, hundreds of late night snacks, and five hundred books read since I read that book. Whatever. Now the Vlad Todd (it's two "d"s in Todd, right?) gradually gets weirder and more hated by me as it goes on. (Then again, I don't really like vampires after the Twilight affair).

Surprisingly I have a pretty good feeling about this book. I decided that if Soulbroken (the next book) comes out by 2014, then I'll be a fangirl to this new series. Allegiant is amazing, but it's over so I need a new book to obsessed with. Soulbound is the perfect candidate. 

Soulbound is an addicting book, coming from Heather Brewer. It's even better than the Vald Todd and The Slayers Chronicles put together. I love how unexpected and awesome it is. Tril is a fantasy world, based on Japanese society I think? Anyway, I love how awesome and cool Tril is. Two types of gifted people: Barrons and Healers. Then there's the nongifted people: the unskilled who don't have any powers at all. Barrons fight. Healers heal their connected Barron. Easy peasy. A simple world that eases readers into it is one sign of a good book. 

Kaya, the Healer, wasn't born among the unskilled. She's the daughter of two Barrons, a marriage that's considered illegal by the people who made the laws. She questions everything. Every law ever created. Every teacher who hates her especially the one with a mysterious past who seems bent on making her life as difficult as possible. 

And the hottie, aka the guy with a mysterious past who seems bent on making her life as difficult as possible? The "unskilled" teacher in the Shadow Academy. I guarantee he's going to be legendary in this book. He makes a fine debut. 

Soulbound's ending got me. That cliffhanger killed me! 

Rating: Five out of Five

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